As part of our collaboration with our surgical provider sister clinic, The Private Clinic of Harley Street, we are now offering p...
Treatment Category: Body
Bunion Treatment
Bunion Removal Surgery Bunions are bony lumps that often form on the side of the feet. They can cause a great amount of pain and discomfort as well as being aesthetically unpleasing. For some, it...
Hand Rejuvenation
The saying goes 'If you want to know a woman's age, look at her hands'. Our hands can show signs of ageing more than other parts of the body. In fact, sun-damaged, wrinkled, veiny hands can even make you look older than you really...
Chest Rejuvenation
Very often, people tend to concentrate on their faces for cosmetic treatments. However, it's often the texture of skin on the décolletage (chest) that can make you appear older than you are. This sensitive area is often overlooke...
Thread veins on legs are a common problem, with women more likely to develop them than men. These small purple or red veins that can appear from the top of the thigh to the ankle don't pose a major health problem but may cause dis...
Non-Surgical Butt Lift
Non-surgical Butt Lift with EMSculpt and Ultherapy Bring your booty back with ...