Thermage & Sculptra Treatment For The Ageing Face – Tatler 2014

Check out The latest Tatler Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide 2014 for bespoke treatments using the latest procedures and techniques.  Tatler says pay a visit to one of Dr Mountford’s superb clinics in Buckinghamshire or Harley St London to get the lowdown on combining Thermage with Sculptra at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic…

This Tatler promotion features Dr Tracy Mountford and The Cosmetic Skin Clinic for bespoke treatments such as combining Thermage radio frequency skin tightening in combination with Sculptra. Ideal for patients with volume loss and skin laxity. By Combining Thermage with Sculptra it will give you a natural and not ‘filled’ look which is long lasting and can delay the decision for a facelift!

It goes on to say this is one of Dr Mountford’s signature treatments. Thermage reduces sagging along the jawline reinstating the natural contours of the face, as well as improving the texture tone and smoothness of the skin, whilst Sculptra globally creates deep tissue support of the face, underpinning the facial anatomy by stimulating deep-level collagen production. This supports the cheeks and naso-labial folds and redefines the jawline. In combination these treatments work synergistically to give superlative results… It ends by saying this will give a ‘natural rejuvenated facelift’ without downtime or any tell-tale signs of being ‘done’, providing an ideal non-surgical solution for the ageing face.

For more information on these or any of our other natural non-surgical solutions to the ageing face call 03308284657 and our reception team will be happy to advise you.

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