Still deciding if EMSculpt is for you? Your top 5 FAQs answered by The Cosmetic Skin Clinic

With cosmetic options becoming more available to the general population, more people are approaching cosmetic teams to improve their looks without hassle.

Of course, when one thinks of the phrases cosmetic option and fat reduction, one could very easily think of procedures such as liposuction. Used to remove stubborn fat, liposuction was once the best option to tone those problem areas without hassle, but had several disadvantages to those who undertook it. For instance, it was invasive, and could sometimes leave a scar which is far from desirable when aiming to improve the appearance of an area.

Thanks to advances in modern cosmetic techniques, if you are searching for a way to remove excess fat and tone your surrounding muscles at the same time, there is a non-invasive option that does both, without the need for anaesthetic or surgery!

At The Cosmetic Skin Clinic, our team is proud to be able to offer suitable patients Emsculpt in London. Painless and simple, this treatment is an FDA approved option that can build and strengthen muscle tone using targeted electromagnetic pulses. In essence, it gives your muscles a thorough workout without you needing to hit the gym! Brilliant!

Curious to learn more? Read on for the answers to the top 5 FAQs about Emsculpt in London.

Am I a suitable candidate for the Emsculpt treatment?

If you are in a healthy weight range and are looking to strengthen the muscles in your abdomen, buttocks, or thighs, you are probably going to be suitable for this treatment. There is also a newly improved Emsculpt treatment called Emsculpt Neo, which gives patients with a higher-than-average BMI the chance to also benefit from non-invasive muscle-sculpting and fat loss results.

However, there is a list of health conditions that will prevent you from having these procedures carried out, including pregnancy, pacemakers, bleeding disorders, and a history of hernias. Ask our team at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic for more information about contraindicated health issues.

What does it feel like?

During the treatment, electromagnetic pulses stimulate muscles by contracting them. These electromagnetic pulses may feel like a slight prickly sensation on your skin. With the Emsculpt Neo treatment, patients will also feel a warming sensation thanks to the use of radiofrequency technologies as well, which work to burn fat at a faster rate for patients with more fat to shift. Both Emsculpt in London treatments feel like an intense workout for your muscles and as such, some patients may feel a bit sensitive having them.

The Emsculpt treatment

Will I need any downtime afterward?

A key advantage of these treatments is that they are non-invasive and require no down or recovery time once completed.

If you are concerned about how fatigued you might feel after an Emsculpt procedure is complete, contact our team for more information.

When will I notice the results?

Depending on how many treatments you undertake, you will notice a more toned look and an increase in muscle mass about 2-4 weeks after treatment.

However, it is important to note that once this procedure has been completed (and in between treatments), our team will recommend that you keep up with your regular workouts and maintain a healthy diet.

Will the effects wear off?

While it is not designed to wear off, the effects can fade if you do not stick to an exercise regime at home.

But, provided that you are staying up to date with your workouts, the effects of this procedure can last up to and over 6 months.

If you would like to find out more about this treatment and how it can help you burn fat and build muscle with no pain or downtime, give us a call! Contact our clinics in London and Buckinghamshire and one of our expert practitioners will be happy to help!

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