
Frozen Face (And How To Avoid It!)

For a considerable number of years, muscle relaxants have been used in cosmetic medicine to relax frown lines and crow's feet. But in order to avoid accusations of having a 'botox frozen face,' it really does pay to seek out reput...

5 Top Tips to Achieve Optimum Skin Health

Have you ever used a filter on social media? In the last couple of years, Instagram, fashion and social media have all worked together to favour the trend for glowing, healthy, firm and luminous skin. Radiance is definite...

Tired Hollow Eyes And How To Refresh Them…

Do you wake up in the morning feeling great, only to be dragged down by the tired eyes looking back at you in the mirror? You're not alone - this is one of the most common cosmetic concerns I hear from patients of all ages. Whe...

That Was Then, This Is Now…

For this week's blog we thought it would be interesting to have a 'Throwback Thursday' moment; a video that was made several years ago when the late...

Fillers And Why I Love Them…

  Fillers And Why I Love Them... "When patients come in for a consultation and specifically say they don't want fillers, their reasons are more often than not based on misconceptions and myth. Sadly, som...

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