
Non-Surgical Mid-Face Lift Using Dermal Fillers

Previously we shared Claire's dermal fillers testimonial. In this blog we give you an in-depth look at her non-surgical mid-face lift. A non-surgical mid face lift can be performed in many different ways and one of the most popul...

Ten Years Younger In Ten Days Channel 5

On last night's show Channel 5; 'Ten Years Younger In Ten Days' we saw a make-over of two ladies that through general public perception aged them at least ten years older than their actual age. I have been treating patients for...

How to prepare for a CoolSculpting procedure

Once our patients are certain that they make for good candidate material to enjoy the benefits of CoolSculpting in London, a frequently asked question is - how do you prepare for the procedure to maximise on resul...

Get your body into shape with CoolSculpting in Buckinghamshire

Complete your weight loss journey by freezing unwanted fat pockets that are difficult to get rid of, even with vigorous exercise and a strict diet. Under the guidance of Dr Tracy Mountford, a top specialist in her field, our te...

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