
How to Build Muscle After 50

Building muscle mass is a challenge at any age, but particularly so in your 50s, 60s and beyond. Enhancing your muscle definition and staying in shape as you age is always dependent on muscle training and eating healthily. But bio...

EMSculpt Vs CoolSculpting: What is the Difference?

If you are interested in body contouring but unsure whether EMSculpt or CoolSculpting is best for you, then we can help. In this guide, we explain the key differences between EMSculpt and CoolSculpting, detailing how these ...

CoolSculpting Virtual Event: You’re Invited

Get 'Summer Body Ready' with CoolSculpting and join us for our special event. Never has it been more important to invest in yourself. During the nationwide lockdown, many of us have found it hard...

How to get rid of a Fat Neck

Having a fat neck is a common issue for a lot of people. Men and women of all ages can suffer from the problem, and it can make us look overweight or older than we really are. Here, we discuss the causes of a fat neck, and how to ...

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