Leading anti-ageing expert Dr Tracy Mountford of The Cosmetic Skin Clinic featured in the fourth episode of the new Channel 4 series ‘How Not to Get Old’. Noted for her subtle light touches Tracy’s expertise was key to the successful outcome of the treatment to reduce the signs of ageing on the programme’s patient.
Dr Tracy Mountford rejuvenated and refreshed the facial features of Sahrae, a 45 year old, who was the fourth episode’s main feature. Sahrae, who due to the premature loss of teeth at an early age looked and felt older than her actual age, after preliminary and pre-programme research chose the non-surgical rejuvenation treatments at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic. Sahrae felt that facial surgery wasn’t for her and opted for a more subtle look with non-surgical options.
Sahrae first had reconstructive dental surgery with long lasting implants and after this she was treated at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic with radio frequency treatment (Thermage®) to improve and boost her facial collagen. Due to quite obvious lines etched into the skin, Botulinum Toxin was administered in her forehead and in the neck. Dr Mountford also used temporary hyaluronic acid dermal filler in her upper cheeks to lift and in her lips to plump. The dermal fillers used were a combination of Restylane® and Juvederm®.
Sahrae was overjoyed with the results of all her treatments, which achieved her desired outcome of looking good for her age and not looking like a woman she described as ‘twenty years older’.
The non- surgical procedures undertaken were great examples of how certain treatments can refresh and enhance how you look in a natural way. Further to the outward improvement, the increase in self-esteem and how someone feels is an added benefit.
Dr Mountford features as the expert on non-surgical anti-ageing treatments in the ‘How Not to Get Old’ book accompanying the TV series.