Has ‘Zoom Face’ Become The New ‘Gym Face’?

In the not too distant past, Gym face was a much talked about trend in the cosmetic and beauty industry, but with the latest lockdowns and many of us now in the boardroom on Zoom conference calls or at home catching up with friends and relatives via Zoom and other house party Apps, we are witnessing a brand new dilemma; the ‘Zoom Face’ phenomenon.

Many of us have had to spend the last few lockdown months attempting to manoeuvre through a rather surreal experience of looking at one’s own face on daily video calls. This reality of seeing yourself in harsh lighting and from new angles has prompted many of us to notice our facial flaws more closely, from laughter lines or wrinkles to complexion issues. While it’s clear that Zoom itself isn’t the cause, the overall experience has put our faces right under harsh spotlights for everyone to see.

Zoom Face Treatments

It should therefore come as no surprise that cosmetic clinics have seen a spike in demand for procedures according to The Times; everything from ‘tweaks’ like fillers and eye lift procedures, to full-on transformations like surgical facelifts. The Private Clinic, who recently acquired The Cosmetic Skin Clinic, has also seen a dramatic upsurge in demand for treatments, both from men and women who are seeking enhancements like neck lifts and the famous one-stitch face lift. One patient Lucy noted, “I’ve been thinking about this for over 3 months, so I’m not going to wait another year…,” reflecting just how keen many patients are to rectify issues that have emerged during lockdown.

The ‘Zoom Face’ effect has also impacted men, with The Cosmetic Clinic seeing a surge in demand from male patients seeking out facial rejuvenation treatments to improve their skin quality. Muscle relaxants, fillers and jawline augmentations have been particularly popular for this demographic.

Dr Tracy Mountford of The Cosmetic Skin Clinic captures the impact that this ‘Zoom Face’ phenomenon is currently having on client demand:

“What we’ve found since opening our doors is that the patients coming back are making up for lost time by taking this opportunity to have even more treatments than they would normally have. By having the enforced break, they have realised how effective these treatments are, particularly when it comes to restoring their looks in light of the Zoom Face effect. This has also made them more aware of how important it is to maintain their treatments to look their very best. They have also commented on how safe they feel in the new environment and are genuinely delighted to be back to see us.”

Our Top 5 Zoom Face Treatments

So, if you’ve also experienced the effects of ‘Zoom Face,’ and feel like you need some help when it comes to achieving a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance, which of these treatments should you look to as a priority? Here, we outline our top 5 recommendations, while our cosmetic specialist Dr Joanna Christou explains the importance of taking a holistic approach.

Non-surgical facelift with dermal fillers: Achieves a refreshed appearance without any need for surgery or downtime

Ultherapy: Skin tightening to lift and restore youthful facial contours

Tear troughs: A simple treatment that uses filler to restore volume to the area under the eyes

CoolSculpting with CoolMini: To remove unwanted chin fat and restore facial contours

Chin/ Jawline enhancement: This non-surgical treatment helps to redefine the jawline by targeting sagging and dimpled skin around the chin

If you would like to find out more about these treatments, or seek advice on which ‘Zoom Face’ treatment is right for you, then book a consultation with one of our specialists at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic. You can find us in London and Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire.

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